Tuesday, October 22, 2024
HomeNewsAFT's Weingarten Fights Forward with President Obama on Student Loan Reform

AFT’s Weingarten Fights Forward with President Obama on Student Loan Reform

“No student should have to face the triple threat of skyrocketing higher education cost, high interest rates and crushing student loan payments. We must reclaim the promise of higher education by making college affordable and accessible to all Americans.
“The president’s new executive order to ease the burden of student loan debt will allow an additional 5 million borrowers — including tens of thousands of AFT members — to finally have a fighting chance at the American dream. This action is just one step in the right direction. Now is the time for lawmakers in Washington to join the president in pushing for more student loan reform, including the passage of Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s bill allowing students to refinance their federal and private loans.
“The AFT stands with students and their families, and we will continue to fight until this mountain of student loan debt is no more.”
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Click here for a fact sheet and more information from The White House on the president’s executive order to make student loans more affordable.
Click here for video of an AFT member testifying to the U.S. Senate last week on his student loan burden.

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