John Brady
Vice President
(860) 257-9782
John Brady was elected in May, 2015 by delegates to AFT Connecticut’s 68th biennial convention to serve as executive vice president for the labor federation. The title was formerly first vice-president and was changed following adoption at the event of proposed new Constitution & Bylaws language.
The title was further revised by delegates to the 2018 convention to “vice president.”
John was the first president of the Backus Federation of Nurses, the local affiliated union he and fellow caregivers organized at the William W. Backus Hospital in Norwich in 2011. He shared his experience in testimony before the National Labor Relations Board (NRLB) which helped guide the federal agency recommend and adopt new rules governing union elections.
Additionally, John has been very active in organizing and policy activity on behalf of AFT, including service on the Small Union Task Force. He participated in the leadership orientation for the National Federation of Nurses during their affiliation and serves on the AFT Nurses and Health Professionals’ program and policy council (PPC). There he chairs the safe staffing subcommittee, which is charged with advocating for improved caregiver-to-patient ratios in hospitals and heath settings.
John also serves as an executive board member with the Connecticut AFL-CIO.
Before becoming active in the labor movement, John spent his professional career as a caregiver. He recently retired from Backus Hospital after 16 years of service as an emergency department registered nurse. John also serves on the state public health department’s Quality of Care Advisory Committee and has actively supported federal legislation aimed at reducing workplace violence in health-related workplaces. In the fall of 2020, he was named by Governor Ned Lamont to serve on the communications sub-committee of the state’s COVID-19 Vaccine Advisory Group.
Beyond his workplace activism, John is also involved in the political and civic life of his community. He was elected as a delegate to the 2016 Democratic National Committee (DNC) nominating convention and currently serves as the chair of the Sterling Democratic Town Committee (DTC).
John and his wife Michelle reside in Sterling and have two children and three grandchildren.