(Retirees w/Treasurer Wooden)
AFT Connecticut’s commitment to our member teachers and school support staff, nurses and healthcare professionals, higher education faculty and state and municipal government employees doesn’t end at their retirement. Through the AFL-CIO, our national union, local affiliate chapters and our statewide council, we provide a strong, collective voice during their “golden years” on the issues that matter. From protecting pensions, to preserving healthcare, to defending Social Security, defending hard-won gains is a life-long effort.
Click here for our national AFT’s resources for retirees.
Click here to our national union’s private Facebook group for retirees.
Click here for the AFL-CIO’s Alliance for Retired Americans.
Retirees News
Securing “Safe Patient Limits” with a Strong New Law
The 2023 General Assembly session ended on June 7th with the passage of a biennial state budget that included legislation aimed at unsafe staffing in hospitals and health facilities. The provisions were initially included in a proposal supported by AFT Connecticut-affiliated union activists, as well as workplace safety and patient care advocates. Governor Ned Lamont…
“Ensuring a Brighter Future” through Equitable Investments
Despite a record state budget surplus, Governor Ned Lamont’s proposed fiscal blueprint calls for destructive cuts to public higher education. Louise Williams (middle, in photo below), the president of our affiliated CSU-AAUP in a recently published opinion piece warned of the consequences; faculty and staff layoffs, student tuition hikes, program cuts and campus closures. She…
Securing ‘Hero Pay’ for Unprecedented Service
Unions in the State Employees Bargaining Agent Coalition (SEBAC), which includes ten AFT Connecticut-affiliated locals, in the spring of 2022 began negotiations with agency chiefs over pandemic hazard pay. Labor leaders had previously agreed to set the issue aside for future resolution in talks that eventually produced agreements for four-year contracts covering more than 40,000…