Print Newsletter

Our federation’s newsletter, “State of the Union,” was published on a quarterly basis until the Spring of 2015 to provide an analysis of major issues over the preceding three month period. It was suspended and replaced by our monthly e-newsletter. Past editions of “State of the Union” can be accessed in the menu to the left.

Breaking news, event announcements, and urgent actions impacting AFT Connecticut and its affiliated unions are posted here at our website, compiled in our e-newsletter, as well as shared on our Facebook page and Twitter feed.

Sharing News

Local unions are encouraged to share information and updates on their activities and efforts for possible inclusion in our e-newsletter.

Click here to send email with tips and info to to AFT CT Communications Coordinator Matt O’Connor.

AFT Connecticut is a member of the International Labor Communications Association (ILCA), founded in 1955 and the professional organization of labor communicators in North America.

Click here to learn more about ILCA.


Although advertisements were screened as carefully as possible, acceptance of advertisements for publication in “State of the Union” do not imply AFT Connecticut endorsement of the product or service.