Political Candidates
The AFT Connecticut Legislative and Political Action Committee (LPAC) will review candidate requests for endorsement and make recommendations to the AFT Connecticut Executive Committee. All candidates seeking endorsement by AFT Connecticut shall sign a Statement of Principles for Public Officials.
Recommendations by the LPAC will be forwarded to the AFT Connecticut Executive Committee’s Committee on Political Education (COPE) for final action. The minimum threshold for an endorsement is a two-thirds vote of COPE members who are present and voting.
Click here to send e-mail requesting an endorsement application for a political candidate.
National Elections
Our national union coordinates advocacy efforts that include electing candidates to serve in Congress and the White House who will put the interests of working people first. For our members and their families, civic and electrical engagement are critical to ensuring that corporate-funded special interests can’t get away with dominating American politics or our democracy.
Click here to learn more about AFT’s legislative and political advocacy.
Click here to learn about our national union’s 2020 electoral endorsements (revised Sep. 11, 2020).
State Elections
Together, the General Assembly and the state’s constitutional officers propose, enact, and enforce laws that directly impact members of AFT Connecticut unions. The vital education, healthcare and public services that students, patients and communities count on rely on good public policy and good politicians to champion it.
That’s why AFT Connecticut frequently supports candidates for legislative and statewide office who are committed to stand up for all working families at the Capitol in Hartford. The AFT Connecticut LPAC shall be responsible for devising and conducting a screening process of candidates for state office.
Click here for an updated list of endorsed candidates for statewide and federal office in the 2022 General Election (revised Oct. 27, 2022).
Municipal Elections
Members of AFT Connecticut unions understand that “all politics is local” because of the impact of decisions made by mayors, town councils, boards of education and other municipal officials. That’s one reason why AFT Connecticut locals are urged to encourage their members to seek local office.
AFT Connecticut locals are urged to encourage union members to seek office. The role of AFT Connecticut with regard to municipal elections is to support the work of AFT Connecticut locals. To that end, the AFT Connecticut LPAC shall be responsible for devising and conducting a screening process of municipal candidates.
Click here for the final list of endorsed candidates in the 2021 Municipal General Election (Oct. 29, 2021).
This communication is paid for by AFT Connecticut and is intended for members of AFT Connecticut-affiliated unions only. It is not paid for or endorsed by any political party or candidate’s campaign.