The annual business convention is the highest decision-making body of AFT Connecticut. Each local has a process to elect representatives to serve as delegates to the convention and who serve as decision makers on AFT Connecticut business and issues.
Local unions must maintain affiliation in “good standing” with AFT Connecticut, our AFT national union, the Connecticut AFL-CIO, and local central labor councils in order to seat convention delegates.
Delegates vote for AFT Connecticut’s officers in odd-numbered years and adopt a budget in the alternating years. Delegates also take action on proposed amendments to the constitution, as well as any resolutions submitted that define AFT Connecticut policy and positions on a variety of issues.
The President’s, Joseph H. Soifer as well as the Unionist of the Year awards are traditionally presented during the convention to members who exemplified the mission of AFT Connecticut over the previous year.
Click here for convention-related bylaws, Arts. I – VII, from the AFT Connecticut Constitution.
The theme of the 2022 business convention reflected an increasingly positive outlook for
working families thanks to the state labor movement’s many victories over the previous 12 months. Delegates gathered in-person for the first time in two years to take action on important initiatives, including adoption of a constitutional amendment aimed at further strengthening AFT Connecticut.
Click here for material provided to delegates in advance of the June 4 event.
Material provided to participants can be accessed at the “2022 Delegate Material” section (at upper left).
Click here for highlights from the event on Twitter.