Sat, 05/09/2020 – 8:30am – 2:00pm
Note: convention to be held online via Zoom due to COVID-19 (novel coronavirus) health emergency; access information will be provided to delegates and alternates via e-mail.
The tentative agenda for our state federation’s annual business convention as planned prior to changing to an online format is linked below and will be further revised. Votes on proposed amendments to AFT Connecticut’s bylaws and constitution as as well as properly submitted resolutions are part of the final schedule of events.
No awards will be presented during this year’s convention. All fees for delegates, alternates and guests have been waived.
Important deadlines for convention participants (applicable documents in convention packet linked below) follow, though dates are subject to further change:
March 9 – submission of PROPOSED AMENDMENTS (other than those that are DUES RELATED) to the AFT Connecticut Constitution.
April 9 – submission of PROPOSED DUES-RELATED AMENDMENTS to the AFT Connecticut Constitution.
April 17 – submission of RESOLUTIONS for consideration by Convention delegates.
April 29 – submission of certified DELEGATE and ALTERNATE credentials and GUESTS list (revised forms linked below – e-mail addresses listed MUST match the e-mail used to sign in to Zoom for the convention).
Final agenda (also in flyer linked below):
08:30 AM Zoom Registration Opens
Waiting Room Opens
09:00 AM Business Session Begins
Welcome & Greetings
AFT Connecticut Business
Call to Order
Adoption of Rules for Debate
(see Convention Rules attachment in packet below)
Minutes of 72nd Convention
President’s Report
Credentials Committee Report
Constitutional Amendments
Budget Approval
Legislative Update
Also note: local union dues to AFT Connecticut must be paid through at least February, 2020, and must reach AFT Headquarters by Fri, 04/24/2020 in order for their delegates to be “seated” (see additional pertinent language from the AFT Connecticut Constitution, included in packet linked below).
Online (via Zoom)Miscellaneous event settings
Contact name:
Anna Mowrey
Contact phone:
(860) 257-9782
Contact email:
No cost for delegates