AFT Connecticut is a statewide labor federation of more than 90 local unions throughout the state, and is governed by elected leaders, including a president, executive vice president, first vice president, secretary-treasurer and 22 vice presidents. All are elected by the membership and represent AFT Connecticut members from locals throughout the state. Elections are conducted every two years at the federation’s statewide convention.
Click here to access the current AFT Connecticut Constitution & Bylaws (revised May, 2020)
Click here for a new member “welcome” letter from our state federation president.
Every local is unique and operates autonomously, with each local’s governing body and membership making decisions in its best interests. Locals vary in size from less than 10 members to more than 2,000. No matter how large or small, every AFT Connecticut local receives support and assistance from AFT Connecticut.
AFT Connecticut is a proud affiliate of the 1.5 million-member American Federation of Teachers (AFT), the 10-million-member American Federation of Labor – Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) and the 200,000 member Connecticut AFL-CIO, the state affiliate of the AFL-CIO.
Click here for the American Federation of Teachers website.
AFT Connecticut is also affiliated with regional central labor councils and the state and national AFL-CIO, the umbrella labor federation for unions in the U.S. representing 12.5 million working men and women.
Click here for the CT AFL-CIO website.
Click here for the national AFL-CIO website.