Powerful special interests are attempting to “weaponize” the U.S. Supreme Court to gut one of the last remaining checks on their control—a strong and united labor movement. Under the false pretense of the First Amendment they filed the Janus v. AFSCME Council 31 lawsuit in order to overturn a 40-year precedent that’s been reaffirmed numerous times.
A 5-4 majority decision was on June 27 announced that rescinded the 1977 ruling and found all public sector employees’ “fair share” fees constitutional. While not unexpected, the outcome adds urgency to ongoing efforts to protect members’ pay, retirement security and healthcare.
Click here for an analysis of those most directly impacted by the lawsuit from the Economic Policy Institute.
Click here for public polling on the issues in the lawsuit from APM Research Lab.
Click here for information, tools and tips for survival in a post-Janus environment from Labor Notes.
Additional relevant news and opinion on the case and its implications for union members are compiled below in chronological order, with current pieces posted regularly. Click on the headline to access article or opinion piece at its online source:
News Coverage
Governing Magazine: Why unions’ Supreme Court loss may not be as bad as it seems
Chicago Sun-Times: Two months after ruling, unions still assessing impact of Janus case
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: Following high court ruling on public sector union fees, battle for members escalates on many fronts
In These Times – Working Blog: “Why we threw Mark Janus a going away party — but didn’t invite him”
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: Defiant national union presidents gathered in Pittsburgh speak of unity following Janus ruling
New Haven Register: DeLauro, Weingarten vow ongoing fight for unions
The Chicago Tribune: Supreme Court’s Janus ruling could undercut private sector unions too
The Atlantic: Is this the end of public-sector unions in America?
Associated Press: Despite setbacks and high court’s ruling, unions show spark
Chicago Sun-Times: Labor coalition vows ‘Janus will not stop us’
Connecticut Post: Teachers weigh in on high court ruling on unions
The New York Times: Labor unions will be smaller after Supreme Court decision, but maybe not weaker
CT News Junkie: Connecticut labor hopes to blunt Janus
WBEZ Radio News – Morning Shift Podcast (with audio): U.S. Supreme Court and Janus versus AFSCME
Economic Policy Institute You Tube Channel (video): How the Supreme Court could rule against working people
- LA School Report: With all eyes on Janus, a similar case in California meets quiet defeat — for now
- The Wall Street Journal: Union activity ramps up in advance of Supreme Court decision
- Education Writers Association – The Educated Reporter Blog: Five questions to ask after court’s ‘Janus‘ ruling
- Bloomberg BNA: Will Janus decision settle public-sector union dues debate?
- Governing Magazine: Will teacher strikes influence the Supreme Court’s union ruling?
- Education Week – Teacher Beat Blog: Randi Weingarten on Janus – ‘It will be a bumpy ride’ for unions
- Democracy Now! (with video): Koch Brothers-backed effort to sabotage unions uses secret “tool kit” to encourage members to quit
- The Guardian: Exclusive – how rightwing groups wield secret ‘toolkit’ to plot against US unions
- The Wall Street Journal: How a Supreme Court decision this spring could cut union rolls by 726,000
- Education Week – Teacher Beat Blog: Will teachers’ strikes happen more often in a post-Janus world?
- The Chronicle: Rally at UConn shows support for unions
- Stanford Advocate: Union workers rally over Supreme Court case
- New Haven Independent: Unions rally against Janus
- Salon: Neil Gorsuch silent during case that could destroy public sector unions
- Mic: Many fear the Supreme Court will devastate unions, but unions are not as negative
- CT News Junkie: Unions rally for collective bargaining with eye on Connecticut legislature
- Associated Press: Gorsuch silent as divided Supreme Court spars over unions
- The Intercept: The right is trying to take down public sector unions. It may take much more down with it.
- Bloomberg Politics: Labor’s reprieve is over as U.S. Supreme Court case targets fees
- Splinter: The right-wing billionaires bankrolling the Supreme Court case to destroy America’s unions
- EdSource: What’s at issue, what’s at stake in Janus, the Supreme Court case challenging compulsory union fees
- In These Times: Behind Janus – Documents reveal decade-long plot to kill public-sector unions
- The Huffington Post: This Supreme Court case is the biggest threat to organized labor in years
- Education Week – Teacher Beat Blog: Here are the teachers’ unions’ arguments in the Supreme Court case on union fees
- Education Week – School Law Blog: High court sets Feb. 26 arguments on future of union agency fees
The Washington Post: Trump administration asks Supreme Court to overrule precedent helping unions
People’s World: Union solution to Janus case – Wall-to-wall internal organizing
Governing Magazine: How unions are already gearing up for a Supreme Court loss
Education Week – School Law Blog: U.S. Supreme Court to again take up a case on public-employee union fees
The New Republic – Minutes: The Supreme Court will get another chance to wreck unions
Opinion Pieces
Slate – Analysis: How the Janus ruling might doom public pensions next
Jacobin Magazine – Essay: The danger of members-only unionism
Labor Notes – Viewpoint: Making the union a personal choice gives ground to the boss
The Nation – Analysis: For 60 years, this powerful conservative group has worked to crush labor
Medium – Commentary: #Union
The Hill – Op-Ed: American workers stand ready to demand change after Janus blow
Connecticut Post – Column: State worker unions will shed 12-15 percent, keep clout
The New York Times – Op-Ed: With Janus, the court deals unions a crushing blow. Now what?​​
In These Times – Working Blog: The Janus decision was never about the First Amendment. It was about destroying labor.
Our Future Blog – Commentary: Supreme Court’s Janus ruling will hurt children
The American Prospect: Supreme Court decision in Janus looms over critical public-sector jobs and public services
Labor Notes – Essay: Five lessons from the history of public sector unions
Capital & Main – Analysis: ‘Janus‘ and its Supreme Court enablers
UCOMM Blog: UCOMM releases Janus educational websites
Vice News – Analysis: The Supreme Court just declared open season on workers in America
Labor Notes – Essay: I work with Mark Janus. Here’s how he benefits from a strong union.
Talk Poverty – Analysis: The Supreme Court could make unions a lot more radical
- The Nation – Essay: Teachers are leading the revolt against austerity
- Labor Notes – Troublemakers Blog: Debate – How should unions deal with free riders?

- Charleston Gazette-Mail – Commentary: A new labor movement is rising in America
- Jacobin Magazine – Essay: No, Janus is not a Trojan horse
- Labor Notes – Essay: The only way to survive Janus
- The Courant – Op-Ed: I’m sticking with the union
- The American Prospect – Commentary: What now for unions?
- New York Daily News – Op-Ed: The Janus-faced war on unions
- AFTHQ You Tube Channel (video): Who is behind the court case, Janus vs. AFSCME?
- The Atlantic – Analysis: When the Supreme Court doesn’t care about facts
- National Catholic Reporter – Commentary: Catholic response to the ‘Janus’ labor union case
- The Century Foundation – Commentary: The legal arguments of Janus v. AFSCME explained
- Jacobin Magazine – Essay: “There’s No Trick”
- Medium – Commentary: If you care about black people, you should care about Janus
Slate – Analysis: Janus-faced
The American Prospect: Janus – A new attack presents old challenges for unions
Labor Notes – Essay: Building power before Janus–and after – Lessons from CUNY
The Atlantic – Essay: Will the Supreme Court unravel public employee unions?