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HomeNewsTogether, Let's Give Back this Holiday Season

Together, Let’s Give Back this Holiday Season

We’ve partnered with two amazing community organizations for “Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds” campaign — First Book and the National Farm to School Network. When you sign our card, you can designate which organization receives a donation in your name.


IB ImageYou can choose to support healthy minds by designating your donation to go to our longtime partner First Book, which provides access to new books for children in need.
Click here to learn more about First Book.
IB ImageOr, you can help promote healthy bodies by directing your donation to the National Farm to School Network, an organization working to bring local food sourcing and food and agriculture education into school systems and preschools.
Click here to learn more about the National Farm to School Network.
This is what being solution-driven is all about. 
Looking back on 2014, we are so proud of the work we did and the fights we fought. From telling Pearson to stop putting gag orders on teachers; to our fights for community schools and for fixing — not closing — public schools and helping — not bashing — those who everyday try to make a difference in the lives of others; to our work on minimum wage, student loan debt, paid sick leave and immigration legislation; to our advocacy for Ebola preparedness funding and to confirm our new surgeon general; and to all of the work we did in elections in Connecticut and across the country. 
And who could forget delivering more than 100,000 petitions to Time magazine in response to its “rotten apples” cover? 
We fought for respect for our members; for programs like music and art, instead of a fixation on testing, for our students; and for justice, dignity and the ability to live without fear in our communities. 
We may not have won every effort, but we surely made a difference. And we will continue to make a difference in 2015 by supporting healthy minds and healthy bodies in communities across the country.
There’s no catch. We are so thankful for the hard work you do year-round for the people we serve that we want to give you an opportunity to direct resources into your communities this holiday season. We hope you will help us make a big impact.
Wishing you and your family happy holidays,
Randi Weingarten
President, AFT
Lorretta Johnson
Secretary-Treasurer, AFT
Mary Cathryn Ricker
Executive Vice President, AFT

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